25–27 Jun 2024
ECAP Laboratory Building
Europe/Berlin timezone

Canonical structure, Dressing time and and quantization of null geometry.

25 Jun 2024, 17:50
ECAP Laboratory Building

ECAP Laboratory Building

Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 2 91058 Erlangen


Laurent Freidel (Zoom) (Perimeter Institute )


In this talk, I will review our recent work with L. Ciambelli and R. Leigh, focusing on the non-perturbative characterization of the gravitational phase space along null boundaries.

I will present the construction of the Carrollian curved geometry, the Poisson bracket and discuss the construction of a field-dependent time called dressing time that allows the construction of a positive definite boost generator for expanding null surfaces. If time permits, I will discuss some elements of the quantization and the appearance of a crucial Quantum central charge in the algebra of null constraint. I will also discuss how having a finite central charge can be achieved through a molecular quantization. A quantum fluid description that provides a description of quantum geometry.If time permits I'll show how some of these results connects with celestial holography program and asymptotic quantization.

Primary author

Laurent Freidel (Zoom) (Perimeter Institute )

Presentation materials