CA18108 WG4 meeting



Rodrigo G. Ruiz (RGR), Carlos Perez de los Heros (CPH), José Manuel Carmona(JMC), José Luis Cortés(JLC), Marina Manganaro(MM), Vlad Popa(VP), Bruny Baret(BB), Fabian Schussler(FS), Sergio Navas(SN), Dorothea Samtleben(DS), Maurizio Spurio(MS) (Juan Antonio Aguilar(JAA), and Thierry Pradier(TP) could not be there due to teaching duties / exams). The following points were discussed:

Plans for Barcelona Workshop + WG meeting:

WG 4 will contribute to the workshop with 4 talks: 

Two talks dedicated to a review of neutrino physics including the status with respect to quantum gravity. One talk will focus on low energy neutrinos (study of neutrino properties), and the second talk will focus on high energy neutrinos (neutrinos as cosmic messengers). We need to find two speakers for these talks. We will identify potential speakers (preferably within the action participants) during the next days. The speakers should not do the full work to prepare these talks. The plan is that all the members of WG4 will gather and share bibliography (related to QG studies using neutrinos) during the next two months, and to meet again in September to to elaborate the talks based on this.  For the technical implementation of sharing materials, see the last point below.

The other two talks will be dedicated to review the different neutrino experiments. As for the neutrino review talks, one talk will focus on experiments studying neutrino properties at low energies, and the other talk will focus on experiments studying high energy neutrinos. Two speakers volunteered for giving these talks. MM will review the low energy neutrino experiments, and BB will review the high energy neutrino experiments.

As a result of the presentations during the workshop, we expect to receive feedback from the experts within the audience. Together with the bibliography mentioned above, these suggestions will be the starting point for our WG meeting where we will discuss the state of the art of quantum gravity from a neutrino perspective, and identify potential updates for analyses that have been published in the past.

Plans for IT services:

The action needs some basic IT services to share materials and to communicate with each other. Rocket chat and Google drive were mentioned. MM and RGR will investigate the different possibilities. These services should be common for all the action.

Next Video meeting:

A second video meeting to discuss bibliography and to prepare the talks for the workshop will be scheduled for September. A doodle poll will be sent around mid July to the whole neutrino mailing list.


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    • 10:00 AM 10:15 AM
      • 10:00 AM
        Introduction 15m
        Speaker: Rodrigo Gracia Ruiz (ECAP - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
    • 10:15 AM 11:00 AM