12-15 November 2024
Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone

Logistics / Hotels

The meeting will be held at ECAP, which is reachable by bus from the city center of Erlangen or by a nice walk.

The first days of the meeting coincide with an exhibition in Nürnberg, which may complicate finding hotels. We have blocked two hotels:

Zeitwohnhaus bookable until 30.09.2024 mentioning "Radio 24" contact: reservierung@zeitwohnhaus.de

11.-12.11.2024 10 Single Rooms € 156,00
12.-14.11.2024 10 Single Rooms € 166,00
14.-16.11.2024 10 Single Rooms € 101,00
11.-12.11.2024 05 Double Rooms € 197,00
12.-14.11.2024 05 Double Rooms € 207,00
14.-16.11.2024 05 Double Rooms € 142,00

Holiday Inn Express Erlangen (50 Rooms) bookable before 19. August 2024:

Contact frontdesk@hi-express-erlangen.de mentioning "Radio 24"

(11.11. – 13.11.2024)

249,00€ pro Einzelzimmer/Nacht inkl. Frühstück
251,00€ pro Doppelzimmer/Nacht inkl. Frühstück

(13.11. – 15.11.2024)
119,00€ pro Einzelzimmer/Nacht inkl. Frühstück
131,00€ pro Doppelzimmer/Nacht inkl. Frühstück

(15.11. – 16.11.2024)
95,00€ pro Einzelzimmer/Nacht inkl. Frühstück
107,00€ pro Doppelzimmer/Nacht inkl. Frühstück