This talk gives a broad introduction into an emerging field at the interface of quantum foundations and quantum gravity. What connects these different research areas are common questions of shared interest: What is the causal structure at the quantum level? What is the role of the equivalence principle at the quantum level? Are the reference frames classical or quantum? After a brief...
In this talk, I will review our recent work with L. Ciambelli and R. Leigh, focusing on the non-perturbative characterization of the gravitational phase space along null boundaries.
I will present the construction of the Carrollian curved geometry, the Poisson bracket and discuss the construction of a field-dependent time called dressing time that allows the construction of a positive...
We consider spherically symmetric gravity coupled to a spherically symmetric scalar field with a specific coupling which depends on the Areal Radius. Suitable boundary conditions ensure the existence of an axis of symmetry and consequently a single asymptotic past and future (as opposed to a pair of left and right ones). The scalar field stress energy takes the form of null dust. Its classical...