25–27 Jun 2024
ECAP Laboratory Building
Europe/Berlin timezone

Criteria for Loop Quantization of Black Hole Systems

27 Jun 2024, 14:50
ECAP Laboratory Building

ECAP Laboratory Building

Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 2 91058 Erlangen


Jonathan Engle (Zoom) (Florida Atlantic University)


Thus far, there is no proposal for a loop quantization -- even at the level of effective dynamics -- of Kantowski-Sachs that both is exactly covariant under residual diffeomorphisms and has the correct classical limit. The models of Chiou in 2008, Joe and Singh in 2015, and other models based on similar mu-bar schemes, are the former but not the latter. The model of Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh (AOS) are the latter but not the former. In this talk we will review these facts, and explore distilling the insights of AOS into a criterion for the correct classical limit which can be used to construct a model that has both of these properties simultaneously. We will also address the issue of the existence of an underlying exact quantum dynamics on (the square of) the Bohr Hilbert space arising naturally from the kinematical loop quantization of Kantowski-Sachs. The possibility of extending these insights to the more physically relevant case in which only spherical symmetry is imposed will also be considered.

Primary author

Jonathan Engle (Zoom) (Florida Atlantic University)

Presentation materials