Studientage des Forschungsstudiengangs WS 22/23


Studientage des Forschungsstudiengangs Erlangen/Regensburg.

Ort: Universität Regensburg


  • Adrian Bories
  • Alexander Kirchner
  • Alexander Saal
  • Andreas Schellenberger
  • Anke Mosbrugger
  • Benedikt Baumgartner
  • Benjamin Böhm
  • Carla Brunner
  • Carolyn Echter
  • Christian Kirsch
  • Christoph Strunk
  • Clemens Seidl
  • Daniel Riese
  • David Horn
  • Dennis Völkl
  • Dustin Seboldt
  • Emanuel Schieck
  • Felix Dietz
  • Frederic Voggel
  • Hanifah Mumtaz
  • Hans Liegener
  • Jakob Minar
  • Jasmin Graf
  • Jennifer Lehner
  • Johanna Link
  • Johannes Dieplinger
  • Johannes Hayes
  • Josef Freudenstein
  • Josef Riepl
  • Joshua Mornhinweg
  • Joshua Mornhinweg
  • Julian Siegl
  • Juliane Graf
  • Katharina Jurk
  • Kristina Giesel
  • Lea Lenke
  • Lennard Kossmann
  • Leon Bernáth
  • Leonhard Schmotzer
  • Louis Thirion
  • Luca Vill
  • Ludwig Peschik
  • Ludwig Wittmann
  • Luisa Hübner
  • Lukas Hennig
  • Lukas Schamriß
  • Manuel Meierhofer
  • Marco Wiedmann
  • Markus Pirke
  • Martin Majewski
  • Max Joseph Fahn
  • Max Reinhart
  • Maximilian Gaschler
  • Maximilian Weber
  • Michael Hüttenkofer
  • Michael Schelchshorn
  • Michael Schmiedeberg
  • Norbert Bodendorfer
  • Paul Hartung
  • Philipp Erhardt
  • Philipp Schmidt
  • Raphael Lehner
  • Robert Amelung
  • Sabine Huber
  • Sarah Fritsche
  • Sebastian Ritter
  • Selina Nöcker
  • Svenja Nerreter
  • Tobias Inzenhofer
  • Torsten Weber
  • Wednesday 23 November
    • Session 1: PHY 9.2.01

      Session 1

      • 1
        Rectifying Supercurrents in Semiconductor Weak Links

        Opening Talk

        Speaker: Christoph Strunk (PHY 9.2.01)
    • Coffee break

      Coffee break

    • Session 2: Parallel session I: PHY 5.0.20

      Session 2

      • 2
        Holographic entanglement entropy under splitting in AdS3/CFT2

        Bachelor thesis project

        Speaker: Clemens Seidl ( PHY 5.0.20)
      • 3
        Quantum Hall critical phase at the surface of a topological insulator

        Research project

        Speaker: Johannes Dieplinger ( PHY 5.0.20)
      • 4
        Analysis of Protein Interactions in High Concentration Solutions with Rapid Dilution Mass Photometry

        Bachelor thesis project

        Speaker: Carla Brunner ( PHY 5.0.20 + Zoom)
    • Session 2: Parallel session II: PHY 5.0.21

      Session 2

      • 5
        Speed of Decoherence in Spin Chains

        Bachelor thesis project

        Speaker: Maximilian Gaschler ( PHY 5.0.21)
      • 6
        Numerical linked-cluster expansions for transverse-field Ising models

        Bachelor thesis project

        Speaker: Markus Pirke ( PHY 5.0.21+Zoom)
      • 7
        Spektraltheorie von Dirac-Systemen

        Bachelor thesis project

        Speaker: Hanifah Mumtaz ( PHY 5.0.21)
    • General discussion: Room PHY 9.2.01

      General discussion

    • Dinner


  • Thursday 24 November
    • Session 3: PHY 9.2.01

      Session 3

      • 8
        Computational methods for Optomagnonics

        Phd thesis project

        Speaker: Jasmin Graf (PHY 9.2.01)
      • 9
        Tailoring and non-adiabatic control of record-strong light-matter coupling

        Phd thesis project

        Speaker: Joshua Mornhinweg (PHY 9.2.01)
    • Lunch break
    • Session 4: Parallel session I: PHY 5.0.20
      • 10
        Young Stellar Objects around Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud

        Bachelor thesis project

        Speaker: Katharina Jurk ( PHY 5.0.20+Zoom)
      • 11
        A particle conserving approach to AC-DC driven interacting quantum dots with superconducting leads


        Speaker: Julian Siegl ( PHY 5.0.20)
      • 12
        Constraining-Weil-Petersson volumes by universal random matrix correlations in low dimensional quantum gravity

        Research project

        Speaker: Torsten Weber ( PHY 5.0.20)
    • Session 4: Parallel session II: PHY 5.0.21
      • 13
        Simulation of the impact of processing conditions on the perovskite film morphology

        Research project

        Speaker: Martin Majewski ( PHY 5.0.21)
      • 14

        Bachelor theiss project

        Speaker: Lennard Kossmann ( PHY 5.0.21+Zoom)
      • 15
        Analysis of SNR DEM L71 using eROSITA data

        Research project

        Speaker: Tobias Inzenhofer ( PHY 5.0.21+Zoom)
    • Optional laboratory tour