5-13 October 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Joint instrument analyses

7 Oct 2022, 11:15


Gasthof Drei Linden Bärnfels-Dorfstr. 38 91286 Obertrubach
Participant talk Main session Participants Presentations


Tim Unbehaun (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, ECAP)


Combining different messenger particles coming from an astrophysical object can yield important insights into its acceleration mechanisms and other properties of the source. Each type of messenger particle carries its own information, often complementary to each other. There is the electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves to very high energy gamma-rays. Photons are not deflected by galactic magnetic fields and are rather easy to detect, however they often absorbed by dust clouds. Neutrinos on the other hand can travel unattenuated from the source to us, however they are difficult to detect because of their weak interaction. Cosmic rays again are deflected by magnetic fields due to their charged nature so they do not point back to their sources. Open source analysis tools like GAMMAPY can be used to analyze data measured by different instruments jointly as more and more collaborations will make their data publicly available. Goal of this work is to carry out analyses where i.e. gamma-ray and neutrino data is combined to investigate galactic gamma-ray sources.

Primary author

Tim Unbehaun (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, ECAP)

Presentation Materials