7–15 Oct 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


Overall Feedback to the School

Personal Data
Venue and Organisation

Please use "German School Marks" ranging from 1 (very good) to 6 (unacceptable)


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: very good
6: unacceptable

1: Very good diversity
6: Did not find anything suitable to eat


1: acceptable
6: unacceptable


Did we make you feel welcome?

1: very much
6: not at all


Did the staff of the Drei Linden Hotel and Restaurant make you feel welcome?

1: very much
6: not at all

1: everything has worked
6: heating or toilets did not work all the time


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: We had plenty of time
6: The timeline has been too tight


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: very good
6: unacceptable

Free time

-3: I would have preferred less/shorter breaks
+3 I would have preferred more/longer breaks


-3: I would have preferred less free time
+3: I would have preferred more free time


1: very nice
6: I did not enjoy Friday


-3: I would have preferred more "official" activities enforced by the organizers
+3: I would have preferred less "official" organization and more self-organization of the participants

Overall rating of the school

1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: very good
6: unacceptable


1: yes!!
6: no

Relevant for future schools

Only rough guess. Leave empty if completely unknown

General remarks and suggestions