19–23 Feb 2024
Tux Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Status of Birkhoff's theorem in polymerized semiclassical regime of Loop Quantum Gravity

23 Feb 2024, 17:55


Luca Cafaro (University of Warsaw)


The collapse of a spherically symmetric ball of pressureless dust has been intensively studied in Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). From a quantum theory, it is possible to recover a semiclassical regime through a polymerization procedure.

In this setting, general solutions to the polymerized Einstein field equations (PEFE) will be discussed both for the interior and the exterior of the dust cloud. Exterior solutions are particularly interesting since they may lead to a semiclassical version of Birkhoff's theorem. It is seen that if time independence of the vacuum is imposed, there exists a unique class of solutions depending on a constant. Nevertheless, the possibility of more intricate time dependent solutions is not ruled out completely.

Ultimately, these results will be compared to a model of spherical collapse obtained independently from the Einstein equations.

Primary author

Luca Cafaro (University of Warsaw)

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