Recently, models with different properties have been proposed for regular black holes. To fully understand their properties and differences, we provide a systematic analysis for the classification and construction of effective polymerized spherically symmetric models as $1+1$d field theory. We apply this formalism and consider models that have the following advantages: The effective dynamics can be derived from a class of extended mimetic gravity Lagrangian in 4 dimensions. The models admit a consistent Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) condition, by which the dynamics is completely decoupled along the radial direction in LTB coordinates, trivializing the junction condition in dust collapse. The class of effective dynamics admits a polymerized Birkhoff-like theorem, which leads to a stationary effective metric in the polymerized vacuum. In this talk I will give an overview of this classification and describe the procedure for the reconstruction of the underlying effective dynamics and (inhomogeneous) dust collapse solutions from stationary solutions or vice versa. Examples include several well-known regular black hole solutions, such as the Bouncing, Bardeen, and Hayward black holes.