19–23 Feb 2024
Tux Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Constraining Quantum Gravity Polymer Parameters through Gravitational Wave Observations

23 Feb 2024, 18:45


Yaser Tavakoli


In this presentation, I will first discuss the theoretical characteristics of polymerized gravitational waves (GWs). Subsequently, I will present empirical limitations on the polymer scale concerning polymer GWs within a classical background spacetime. These constraints will be derived from variations in the propagation speed of GWs. By leveraging data from reputable sources such as the inter-detector arrival time delays from the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration's GWTC1, and the arrival time disparities between the GW signal GW170817 and its corresponding gamma-ray burst GRB170817A, we will deduce restrictions on the polymer parameters.

Primary author

Yaser Tavakoli

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