The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a next-generation atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray observation which will consist of two sites, one in Paranal and another one in La Palma, and three different types of telescopes (large, medium, and small size telescopes). CTA will be coordinated by the Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA). ACADA will collect event data from all of the CTA telescopes and it must handle data rates between a few and a few tens of Gb/s per telescope. The total data volume for each site must be reduced to at most 5 Gb/s, which translates into an important reduction factor of ~25-30. I propose a Data Volume Reduction algorithm based on time clustering with DBSCAN after a cutoff in the signal-to-noise ratio. This method shows a good reduction factor improving the overall shower reconstruction as compared with the standard TailCuts cleaning algorithm. In addition, multiple changes to the basic principle of the time clustering algorithm have been considered and tested.