Oct 25 – 27, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Science, society and storytelling

Oct 26, 2022, 9:45 AM
Lecture hall HF

Lecture hall HF


Jessica Wade (Imperial College, London, UK)


Diverse teams do better science: it’s more highly cited, it’s more impactful and it’s more reflective of the societies it serves. Despite that, the representation of women physicists in Germany – and around the world – is still extraordinarily low. Academic hierarchies, funding provides and the ongoing pandemic only perpetuate these inequalities. Jess will talk about how who we talk about matters, and the importance of science communication and awareness of the universality of (historic and present) scientific contributions for global human development. She’ll also discuss her efforts to increase visibility of scientists from historically marginalised groups on Wikipedia, her research in materials science and nanotechnology, the power of social media for early career researchers and her children’s picture book ‘Nano, the Spectacular Science of the Very (Very) Small’.

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