Oct 25 – 27, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Theoretical biophysics of cells: simplification and diversity

Oct 26, 2022, 9:00 AM
Lecture hall HF

Lecture hall HF


Rhoda J Hawkins (Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Sheffield)


As a theoretical physicist I need to simplify the huge complexity of biological systems to have any chance of understanding something. As a biophysicist working in an interdisciplinary field I need to work with a diverse range of different types of scientists to have any chance of understanding something. Thus my work involves simplification and diversity. In this talk I will first introduce my research in modelling biological cell mechanics, migration and deformation. Most of what I work on has something to do with the cytoskeleton, which is a fascinating "active" (out of equilibrium) biopolymer network. As well as the properties of this material, I'm also interested in potential applications to biology and medicine.
I will also discuss some of my personal experiences of diversity during my career. As a white Christian woman in physics, I find myself sometimes part of a majority and sometimes a minority. Like many challenges, being different is sometimes tough but sometimes rewarding. I will highlight what I think are the main diversity challenges we currently have and potential reasons why such problems still persist. I will then outline ways I am trying to help, in particular through my involvement with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). Finally I will suggest things we might be able to do together to improve diversity in our scientific communities.

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