1 August 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Useful Information

FRANCI 2022, Bamberg


Purpose of the meeting

The target audience is students that are currently doing their bachelor/master thesis, PhD students as well as PostDocs and Professors. The purpose of the FRANCI meetings has always been the exchange and update of each other to the latest efforts and results in the groups of Bamberg, Erlangen and Würzburg.


Rough schedule

The day will start with a short reception followed by lots of interesting talks. There will be a couple of breaks including lunch where interesting discussions can emerge - perhaps also based on the posters that will be provided by you! To fade out the day there will be time for socialising in the evening, which is optional of course!


What you can and should do

  1. Register to the meeting.
    Please also consider to talk to your supervisors, they might advise the appropriate kind of talk for you.
    Get useful information about the schedule and the location.
  2. Upload your slides on indico before  your session starts!
  3. Take many interesting posters about your topics to Bamberg. There will be places where we can pin them.
  4. Please wear a mask (either  surgery or a FFP2) during the whole event.
  5. If you bring a poster, please hand in during reception at the beginning of the event.