3-11 October 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

Integration of radio surface antennas into the scintillator upgrade of IceTop at IceCube

8 Oct 2018, 16:40


Gasthof*** Drei Linden Bärnfels-Dorfstr. 38 91286 Obertrubach
Participant talk Participant Talks


Peter Steinmüller


In coming years, an upgrade of the surface array IceTop with scintillators is foreseen. An additional installation of radio antennas integrated into the scintillation detector system would significantly improve the task of cosmic ray physics at the South Pole. In particular, it would allow the search for PeV gammas coming from the center of our Galaxy.
A reasonable option for this array are antennas designed for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). Along with the preparation of the
antenna for the environmental stress, i.e. to adapt them to the circumstances given at the south pole, the implementation of the antenna signal into the data acquisition of the scintillation detectors needs to be done.
This contribution will shortly discuss the science case for the radio array and will present the progress in the integration efforts.

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