5–7 Nov 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Constructing a consistent and computable quantum space-time

6 Nov 2024, 10:45
Lecture hall HF

Lecture hall HF

Staudtstraße 5, 91058 Erlangen


Dr Seth Asante (University of Jena, Quantum Gravity)


Einstein’s theory of general relativity successfully describes gravitation by providing dynamics for the geometry of space-time continuum. However, at small scales or in extreme conditions, the smooth structure of space-time breaks down and must be replaced by a notion of quantum space-time. In this talk, I will present a framework for constructing a notion of ‘quantum geometry’, whose dynamics determine the properties of a quantum space-time and is expected to be consistent over all scales. I will focus on simple models to illustrate such a construction, highlighting the key principles and challenges involved in building a computable quantum space-time.

Presentation materials